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Last updated
To make sure the OCP and all methodologies, projects and users within are operating at the highest level of integrity and with the best available science & data, we run ad-hoc and annual audits of everything on the platform.
Annual audit of OCP platform, employees & governing body, run by a third party auditing firm
Focused on Bribery, corruption & money laundering, based on ISO 9001 (International Quality Management Systems) and ISO 31000 (Risk Assessment).
Findings are assessed by the OCP Board; next steps reported back + implemented by OCP team.
Process + Findings will be published in this knowledge base + at
A private and informal assessment of our registry was conducted by Calyx Global in November 2024. Reach out to if you'd like access to their assessment. Our first audit to be made public will occur in 2025, after official launch.
Next audit: December 2025
Every year, a panel of experts from our expert community, run by an OCP employee, will assess all published methodologies on a three part scale: all good / check up-to-date / critical flag (over-crediting or additionality).
All methodologies require a ‘check up-to-date’ at least once every 2 years; if they reach this boundary, they automatically get assigned this category.
Critical flag methodologies are put ‘on pause’ - no new projects can use them; no credits for existing projects can be issued until review is complete.
If the methodology requires an update, an expert panel is reassembled to review + approve again. They vote on whether existing projects will need to be stopped and re-submitted, including new validation.
If the methodology fails the audit, it will be marked as ‘Cancelled’ and a summary of the cancellation reason will be added. It will then be unable to be used on the OCP platform. Any ongoing projects using it will be put on hold and will have to reapply using another methodology. We will fully delete it off the system, as we believe there is enormous value in documenting issues with the VCM and learning from mistakes.
Methodologies are checked for:
Continued conservativeness in baseline and emission reduction/removal calculations, to ensure no over-crediting,
Any change in regulation / law that may have changed impact additionality,
Scientific advances that may have changed initial uncertainties or additionality, permanence, or other parts of the methodology,
and other factors relevant to the sector.
Results + actions shared and approved by governing board and published in this handbook and at
Next audit: December 2025
Every year, a panel of experts from our expert community, run by an OCP employee, will assess all project categories on a three part scale: all good / review / critical flag
This includes checking against meta-registries + other registries for any double-counting
Independently and separately, Validation companies perform their own audit of both Validators and Projects they have assessed
Results + actions shared and approved by governing board and published in this handbook and at
Next audit: December 2025
The internal audit team reviews information against public sources (LinkedIn, company websites, accreditation lists).
If any red flags come up, the account is put on pause (no further work can be done on the OCP platform) and a full review is completed with the full cooperation of the individual or company.
One minor strike = account suspended for 1 year; two minor strikes or major strike = banned permanently.
Minor or major strikes are publicly recorded on the user page. Banned or paused users still have public profile on platform with details on transgression.
Results + actions shared and approved by governing board and published in this Handbook and at
Next audit: December 2025
Additionally, anyone can submit an anonymous or non-anonymous complaint or flag for updates via our , which is open at all times. This will spark the immediate review of any methodology or project.
Additionally, anyone can submit an anonymous or non-anonymous complaint or flag for updates via our , which is open at all times. This will spark the immediate review of any methodology or project.
Experts, Validators and Data Providers must provide or confirm up-to-date information including company information + declaration annually.